Tag: Adult Sovereignty

Real Time Investments – Are you getting a great rate of return?

The idea that money is our greatest commodity is a tragically flawed ideal. For even the most affluent entrepreneurs will tell you that they have had good and bad years on a long enough timeline. In short, money is fluid, but mostly an agreed upon lie that the money is valuable.

Thincity – It’s a mirage, do not attempt to travel there

Let us pause for one moment…this vision of Thincity is an adult idea. More importantly this vision is imprinted on young children and born out of feelings of shame because of the number on the scale or the chubbiness of their belly. These feelings can be elicited in a child from caregivers, family members and health providers.

The Takeback, Finding your way to Adult Sovereignty

Once we reach 18 and become adults we may live with our parents and be subject to their house rules; however, on the technicality of being an adult we are free to make our own decisions about the life choices we want to make. Even if they DON’T like them!

Crossroads In Life- Choose the Journey To Adult Sovereignty Today

As we maneuver towards adulthood, whether the path is easy or more challenging, there will be millions of crossroads that will push us in one direction or another based on four forces that can be both internal and external forces, which are nature, nurture, time and movement.